prof. Dr. Louis E. BRUS, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2023
H-Index: 122

prof. Dr. Louis E. BRUS, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2023

Columbia University, New York, U.S.A.


Position: Professor at the Columbia University, Chemistry Department, New York, U.S.A.

Specialization: Physical chemistry of materials, interfaces, nanocrystals, and nanotubes, especially in relation to optical and electronic properties. He is the discoverer of the colloidal semi-conductor nanocrystals known as quantum dots.



Professional Experience:
Lieutenant USN 1969-1973, at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC

Research in the solid state and chemistry divisions as Scientific Staff Officer.

In 1973, L. E. Brus joined AT&T Bell Laboratories(Murray Hill, NJ), where he did the work that led to the discovery of quantum dots. In AT&T Bell Laboratorieshe works at the position of Member of Technical Staff (1973-1984) and as a distinguished Member of Technical Staff (1984-1996).

In 1996, L. E. Brus left Bell Labs and joined the faculty in the Department of Chemistry at the Columbia University. From July 1997. At the Columbia University he works as a professor of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. In the period 2009-2014 he worked as the co-director of Columbia DOE EFRC Energy Research Center.


Awards and Honors:

Detail CV on the website:

