Early birds ends in:
Dates and fees



Abstracts July 31, 2025
Papers (Full text) October 1, 2025
Presentation upload October 14, 2025
Language English


The recommended length is 200 - 250 words (the whole text, including e.g. acknowledgements). Please input abstract into the conference system. It is possible to submit 1 abstract per conference fee (Paper or Poster). An additional abstract is charged at a fee of 210 EUR.

By submitting an abstract to the conference system, the author explicitly agrees that the abstract may be used in the printed publication "Abstracts".


Format: MS Word (we do not accept papers in PDF format), A4 page, margins 20 mm, line spacing 1.2. 6 pages incl. figures is maximum. Files size 20 MB (otherwise please contact the conference secretariat). Instructions for writing an article can be found in the template. Please note that the self-citation must not exceed 10 %.
The obligatory template can be downloaded HERE.

Please upload the paper to the conference system. The Programme Committee reserves the right to change the classification of the paper (lectures/posters) or reject it.

By submitting a paper to the conference system, the author explicitly agrees that the paper may be used in the "Conference Proceedings", which will be sent to the online services Web of Science and Scopus for evaluation and possible indexing.


Poster size: 800 mm (width) × 1150 mm (height). The poster session will be held on October 16, 2025 from 17:00. Authors are kindly requested to arrive on time for the poster session. Please remove the poster after the poster session. The full text may be included in the conference proceedings. The obligatory template is given above.


Length of presentation: 15 minutes incl. discussion. Format: PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat, font size 40, basic text app. 30, min. 20. File size max. 50 MB. Presentations should be clear, legible, so that texts, pictures, graphs, tables and equations were clearly visible from a distance.

Please name file of your presentation:
surname_conference_titleofpaper.* (the first 10 characters of the title) and upload it to the conference system.


Logo for download


Abstracts - printed publication

Before the conference, the abstracts are compiled into a printed publication "Abstracts", which you will receive at the conference. This publication contains only a list of abstracts with relevant information (author, company/institution, city, country, co-author(s), collaboration).

Conference Proceedings

The submitted papers will be reviewed after the conference. Accepted papers will be compiled into conference proceedings and submitted to Web of Science and Scopus for evaluation and possible indexing.

Criteria for inclusion of a paper in the Conference Proceedings:
- scientific paper focused on the topic of the session,
- paper prepared according to the template,
- paid conference fee,
- presentation of the paper at the conference,
is a must.

Authors may be asked to correct deficiencies during the review process. The reviewer will ask the author to correct the paper no more than twice. If the author fails to submit the corrected paper or if the corrected paper does not meet the required criteria, the Programme Committee reserves the right to reject the paper.

Articles will be assigned a digital object identifier (DOI) and will be published on the www.confer.cz in open access mode after the review process.

The organizers do not guarantee that the conference proceedings will be published in the above mentioned online services. The publication of the article/proceedings is subject to the internal rules of the above mentioned companies.

All trademarks, service marks, trade names, product names and logos appearing on the Site are the property of their respective owners. All rights not expressly stated herein are reserved.


Main Sponsors

Measurement Technic Moravia Ltd.
Izon Science Europe SAS

Sponsor and exhibitor


Organizer and Partners

Česká společnost pro nové materiály a technologie, z.s.
Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials