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prof. Dr. Louis E. BRUS, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2023
H-Index: 122

prof. Dr. Louis E. BRUS, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2023

Columbia University, New York, U.S.A.


Position: Professor at the Columbia University, Chemistry Department, New York, U.S.A.

Specialization: Physical chemistry of materials, interfaces, nanocrystals, and nanotubes, especially in relation to optical and electronic properties. He is the discoverer of the colloidal semi-conductor nanocrystals known as quantum dots.


  • Louis E. Brus (born 1943 in Cleveland, U.S.A.) received his BA in Chemical Physics (magna cum laude), Rice University in 1965.
  • Navy ROTC student; commissioned into the regular United States Navy in 1965. Active Duty delayed for Graduate School.
  • Ph.D. in Chemical Physics, Columbia University 1969. Advisor: Richard Bersohn


Professional Experience:
Lieutenant USN 1969-1973, at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC

Research in the solid state and chemistry divisions as Scientific Staff Officer.

In 1973, L. E. Brus joined AT&T Bell Laboratories(Murray Hill, NJ), where he did the work that led to the discovery of quantum dots. In AT&T Bell Laboratorieshe works at the position of Member of Technical Staff (1973-1984) and as a distinguished Member of Technical Staff (1984-1996).

In 1996, L. E. Brus left Bell Labs and joined the faculty in the Department of Chemistry at the Columbia University. From July 1997. At the Columbia University he works as a professor of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. In the period 2009-2014 he worked as the co-director of Columbia DOE EFRC Energy Research Center.


Awards and Honors:

  • NSF Predoctoral Fellow 1966-1969
  • U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Award for Best Paper in Chemistry (with J. R. McDonald, Jr.) 1973
  • Elected Fellow, American Physical Society 1980
  • Herman Bloch Award, "For Scientific Excellence in Industry", University of Chicago, 1995
  • Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1998
  • Irving Langmuir Prize in Chemical Physics, from the American Physical Society 2001
  • Elected to the U. S. National Academy of Sciences 2004
  • Chemistry of Materials Prize from the American Chemical Society 2005
  • R. W. Wood Prize from the Optical Society of America (with A. Ekimov and A. Efros) 2006
  • Inaugural Kavli Prize in Nanoscience (with S. Iijima) 2008
  • J. Willard Gibbs Medal from the American Chemical Society (Chicago Section) 2009
  • Elected foreign member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2009
  • US National Academy of Sciences Prize in the Chemical Sciences 2010
  • R. T. Major Medal from Merck and University of Connecticut 2010
  • Distinguished Alumnus Award from Rice University 2010
  • Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry from the American Chemical Society 2011
  • Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science from the Franklin Institute. Given in the area of “Nanochemistry” in 2012

Detail CV on the website: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/chemistry/fac-bios/brus/group/pdf-files/CV_for_website_2012.pdf



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